Tomorrow's Events
June 5, 2013June 6, 2013 is scheduled to be a busy day at HCA!
Please join us for our spring program in the Holden Chapel Sanctuary. Program will begin promptly at 1:00 p.m.; please try to arrive by 12:55 p.m. We will be sharing lots of exciting information at the program, as well as hear some fabulous music from all grades.
Open House for Prospective Families at 7 p.m. tomorrow evening - remind anyone you know who might be interested in Christian education. Remember our referral fee - if someone names you as their referral, once they are accepted and pay their deposit, you get a check for $100!
At 7:30 p.m., we will have an informational session for anyone interested in hosting an international student. Representatives from Boston Global Education will be here to share some information and answer your questions. Join us in the History Room upstairs; we will begin at 7:30.
Finally, remember our online auction has begun! If you missed the link in today's earlier email, here it is again Share it with your friends and family - it's a great way to support HCA!
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