Before and After School Care

Policies and registration form for after school care at Holden Christian Academy, a private Christian school in central Massachusetts

Program Policies

Click here for a printable version

Early Drop-off Policy

7:30 a.m. drop-off is available for a fee of $5.00 per day per student. Families should ring the doorbell at the Student Entrance where they will be greeted by the staff member on duty.  Please only ring the doorbell once as it takes a moment for our staff to walk from the gym to the door. Please do not drop off students earlier than 7:30 a.m., as a staff member is not on duty until then.  Do not leave until the staff member has admitted your student(s).

After School Policies

Our After School Program (ASP) runs Monday through Friday, on scheduled school days. No After School Care is provided on half days, vacation days, or Staff Development Days.

At the conclusion of dismissal, students in Grades K - 8 signed up for the ASP report to the designated ASP area. Preschool students enrolled in ASP will be walked there by a staff member. If a student signed up for the ASP is also participating in an after school help session with a teacher, they must check in with the After School staff before that session so proper attendance can be taken.

HCA will provide students enrolled in ASP a healthy snack each day.


The following per day fees will be charged for the 2024-2025 school year:

Pick up Time 1 Child 2 Siblings*     3 Siblings* 4 Siblings*
by 4:30 p.m. $20 $30 $40 $50
by 6:00 p.m. $25 $35 $45 $55
6:01 or later = $1/minute per child      

*Sibling rates subject to change based on enrollment and/or need for additional staff.

Students may be dismissed to their parent/guardian (or assigned pick-up alternate) at any time before 6:00 p.m. Parents must sign out their child with the staff member on duty. If non-digital sign-out sheets are used and you do not indicate a time, you will be charged for the later time/fee.

Late Policy: Parents will be charged for after school care based on actual pick-up time. If a child leaves after school care past 4:30 pm, the 6:00 pm fee will be charged. For each child who leaves after school care past 6:00 pm, a charge of $5 per minute late will be assessed. These late charges will be billed weekly for the previous week.

Payment Policies: Records will be kept in the office and all charges for Before School care and After School care will be added monthly to your FACTS account for the previous month, and due within ten days. Any families who do not submit this payment through FACTS will not be allowed to make a reservation until delinquent fees are paid.


Registration Form (due once yearly): The registration form must be received before or with first reservation. 
2425 School Year: complete Registration Form.

Registration Fee: Families will be charged a $15 registration fee each year with the first billing period. This fee is per family, non-refundable, and is only charged after a student attends.

Reservations: Reservations for After School are made online. Reservations are first-come, first-served, and are limited to 20 students per day. If a student does not have a reservation, parents/caregivers may be called to pick up their student, and charged a late pick up fee.