School Announcements


Valentine’s Day Party- Our party is on Tuesday February 14th during the morning. Please bring in Valentines for each classmate. We have 18 students total. NO NAMES on the valentines please. The children distribute them at random in our valentine holders. Any candy sent in MUST be NUT FREE. :-) We have one student who is also VERY allergic to eggs. Please consider this when purchasing candy. :-)

Food Sign-Up- Please sign up for food/drinks to bring in for our Valentines Day Party! If you've alreayd signed up to send in food, please send that in on Tuesday. We are still in need of a fruit platter and a veggie platter. We are excited to share in God’s love for us! Email Mrs. Younger at if you are able to help with this.

During the week of February 14th – 17th, Mrs. Younger and Miss Chawnee will be in Florida! Mrs. Younger is working to set up parent volunteers for that week to be in the classroom as helpers. We will be out for the Valentines Party but we will be looking forward to hearing all about it when we return after February Break!!!

February Break – Is from February 20th-24th. Preschool resumes February 28th.

We absolutely LOVE your children and are very blessed to know you all. Thank you for being a part of our Christian School!!!!